Citizens, consumers, users, cyborgs, and zombies

States have citizens, markets have consumers, platforms have users, world-makers have cyborgs, and dystopias have zombies. To have and to hold, for better or worse, with greater and lesser degrees of conceptual felicity. A person - an agent who acts or is acted upon - can be or become all such things and pass across the apparently clean lines of demarcation that differentiate their groupings. This is not all a person can be or become.

Ir is not for us to determine whether the thwack of an open-handed slap that one administers to the face with one’s hand - wake up, snap out of it, focus - is sufficient to still the grave and gravid thoughts that come when autumn is knocking at the doorstep. Endless summers are fictive realms of sun-kissed skin and white space calendars, and the task of the insomniac is to act as though the Finitude of the present - this exhausted and exhausting moment - exists in and has exited from its own realm, adjacent to but not encompassed within the endlessness.
