The sun is new every day
A leaky vessel, embedded in all
This spooky action where whirl
Is king not for a day but as
A category inescapable
I beseech you and
your alabaster skin
Flinty heart
Passive rectitude
could we just get on with
The redness of no longer loving
and the cool blue
semblance of puckered anxiety
I do not lust after distance squared
Slipped loose from that horizon
Into which a passel of Barbarians
ride on horses in movie after movie
That plays on after my head
Runs into flickering gray abstract
of no longer feeling anything.
And somehow I find it hard to think
My children will understand that if
The hordes in the epic epics
Do not move across the land
The land might just bite back.
As it has done and
Always will do.
Not winning is a given if the finite
Is both measuring stick and
Soiled carrot
You find a rhyme for orange
In a dream and suddenly it
Seems like your naked
Ring finger is split-haired choice
Not spite-pickled destiny
Easier that way. Better too.