An apercu of God and dice a call for plaintive calm


The shallow expression of that persistent itch is just “something new and shiny.”   The underlying absence that gives the itch purchase on your brain patterns and carves out a home there is “something enduring that keeps kicking out meaning.” Maturity is a name given to boring acquiescence, so as to reduce its sting. Like cardiac arrest is to heart-stopping death.


Having money in amounts sufficient to keep people at bay is a very American ambition.  It is as though security comes by way of insulation and the absence of worry comes by the absence of unintended friction when people pass in and out of a life, this life, your life.  It is a peculiar sort of wisdom to recognize that this all may be a symptom of alienation, in the way that making a living puts use values and meaningfulness at odd clashing angles.  Actionable wisdom, rather than empowering affluence - but (being American, after all) why not both?  


Why not the Peace Piece by Bill Evans and the first two tracks from entroducing?  Why not a small spliff on a walk in the woods and the twirl and shuffle of a hand on her back, spinning out and pulled back close with the hand she holds in yours? Why not all the why nots now?