A verbless kind of life

“Within any given system, there are claims which are true but which cannot be proven to be true.”


Months could go by,

A-marinating and stewing

that vat and this brain

with an attendant who might enter

with shaving bowl and straight blade

The nearest approximation to

A minor key friendship

a witches brew, my mind

Shallow itinerant who punches

only at the liver of each moment’s opponent

a knockout a distant dream

Monday is a castaway and Tuesday sees Pip take one last swim, Wednesday -

That kind of annalis mirabilis, it has been

each moment being an opponent but

four on the floor the beat goes on

clinging on for lack of will at being found and being dressed and eulogized

Nihilism an overreach, beyond the nib of the inner pamphleteer, too much bile to accustomize, and the stink of clammy pedantry besides

this sour digestion this itchy verve to dip a mind in the stale scrim scraped from communion wine and soak a wafer in

Bobbing like an apple or a boxer or a buoy at the entrance point of the riptide, way out but with a just-so way of ending, scattering forces and conjuring banalities.
