This is only one aspect of the conspiracy

People are always saying - and have always been saying for months, years, decades, centuries - that we must tear the mask of the illusion, notice and identify the true conditions of existence. People are in a hole with a shovel and don’t know what else to do but dig. Beneath every bandage is a wound, but that does not make the bandage bad. To say it differently, to come at it from another angle - the bondage of the self is extricable from suffering in the same way that the wound is affixed to the bandage by virtue of its function. The bandage needs the wound to have a function - but it’s not reciprocal. The bandage does not call the wound into being, does not introduce it into the things of this world.

People are always saying - and have been saying for months years decades and yes centuries - that the unseen is the repository for hope in the same way that the visual - what is capable of being seen and understand - is the repository of truth. The future of an illusion, indeed. To say it another way, that this concept covers or is covered by this name for the concept . . . I need to stop to eat a candy bar before my blood sugar gets too low and I pass out and hit my head on the rim of the toilet bowl. Seeing stars, yes; yes that too.

Dig: for what other purpose is this tool?