Trumpet A Lament, that Vehicle Stalls as Soon as It Starts

Interview an empty room for long enough and it starts to talk back at you. And then who or what is the empty one? See? Who or what - which is the referent?
I keep putting off the scene when we hit record and get comfortable in the chairs that face each other in order to not talk past each other, or at each other. It is just that kind of traction that we can assume is not a propitious use of a slightly addled state. The taut thread pulling itself slack, the hangover of having never held it true that what happens in this room is as deserving of entering the record as any other incident. Which was wise, as it is not true. Still, what can come from being infatuated with a dozen variations of stories touting the authenticity of an egg cream pushed across a counter top slick with the residue of a rag that was once clean. All take place within the Manhattans of the world crowded on top of one other. I read those stories having never seen a subway, within shouting distance of row crops, not realizing the riches held out by borderless open space and imperturbable wanderings it made possible. Maybe one day I will meet someone who is infatuated with the idea of this emptiness, where the weather wears a mask of humid swelter that turns into a pitiless frigid wall of wind with three turns of the calendar’a heavy-bound pages. And that’s just the outer part of home. Think of all that took place in the sodden-brain still-expanding skull and the crowded house in which it was set loose. No one could sigh with disappointed resignation like my king could. This could be the year, he could be the one, where the land gets lost. He could be the one.

No one could more pitifully stand on the principle that a man’s house is his kingdom, once the mortgage was solely anchored to my low 800 credit score. Anyone who is honest can break through, but not just anyone can be assured there will be an observer on the other side. Ticking clocks and the squeaky tractor belt, so much anxiety: this is the interval of time between searing sweaty heat exhaustion and the cold that takes fingers and leaves blackened nubs. Just one wrong turn in life snd you end up feeling like you drank the dirty water from the radiator based on a mere perception of being parched in exile.

