Roseate spoonbill of the pressed pill, or how Pusha T makes do

M30s are believed to be the next entry point for making people with a propensity for being miserable more miserable and dissociating people with a propensity for wanting to be dissociated. Also a clear winner for making animate people with a heartbeat have a propensity to die and be brought back to life or else die and stay dead. This is a bigger story, potentially, than the average communion-around-campfire-of-consensus-reality might divulge.

Bars are lines of lyrics and also pills, oxy maybe, and spitting bars about getting lifted on bars is a thing, but only in this particular paragraph.

It is a problem, this casual acquaintance with death-dealing among the old and the young, the silly and the existentially cued, as it has been and will be. And it is valorizing in the demonizing.

Post-melodic karma

I read an opening line about a poet who had a dream last night about a burning rainbow and a scream that would need to run downhill to gain the momentum needed to reach people.

I read a dried husk of a leaf that spoke of reincarnation as that pulse beneath all things that has to do with an uncontrollable set of karmic consequences that lead to new phenomenal arising.

I read a memorandum holding that when the bank accounts and head accounts and heart accounts of politicians leaders and principals are made transparent and the many layers of guile and mischief and avarice are removed, there will still be big trouble in little China and the best jokes will still fail to land with over 80% of the most ardent comedic harvesters.

Walker of paths, walker of art spaces, Pacita Abad = Yes!

I am not enamored with Phillip Guston abstract paintings that do not cater to controversy and am discomfited and captivated by those that speak in strange figures of unconscious racist Id.

The Rachel Harrison sculpture I immediately grokked as a Rachel Harrison sculpture and I also liked and wanted to liberate the professional wrestler Figurine. As one does. And to peer into the bulky video camera and talk robot to it. As I do.

Cy Twombly - pantomime of the straight line, making every colorblind poet deem him or herself an elegant doodle away from a Venetian palace.

Mall of America, the teeming masses of humanity, so much too much, too soon and not a second too late.

Because of domestic Responsibilities could not see

A soft boiled sod and eldritch pantomime

I don’t think that the idea of a death mask would make us less afraid of death, more comfortable with it. Cold putty on cold but clammy inanimate skin, the curve around the nose and the closed eyes. Those who support it say otherwise. And maybe own part of the death mask company. It’s not a grift, necessarily, to try to sell a meal a few minutes before sitting down to eat one’s own cooking.

Scandalous but not slanderous

  1. In the midst of the pullulating mass of data and information, theories descriptive and normative are all the more significant.

  2. Hanging chads are not yet adequately subject of counterfactual history.

  3. Gory details of forever war waged on the oversoul eventually become part of the firmament and shock only those who stand outside, in but not of the world.

  4. Lucky charms are infamous for bad milk breath amplification.

  5. I can’t say that there is sufficient breathing room for the chilled speech that conforming forces pushes back down the ululating maw of the culture of the poor and the weak and the weary, the unspoken for but oft spoken of.

  6. Abysses are for staring back.

signaling not just the demise of utopia, but the demise of even the idea of the possibility of utopia.

Off we go down the mole hole of a mole hill and that irreducible hobgoblin: originalism, that ghost in the machine that says the only way to interpret what was meant with what was founded and set years after we exclaimed that these laws we hold to be self evident are not really so self evident. Hence structure, hence the first amendment which was originally not the first but it makes for such better story. Give me good story and I’m yours forever.

But a theory beats no theory and the textualists are so overcommitted that it’s not even funny, not funny haha but funny kiss your sister and be a whirling dervish at the offering plate.

Detect elective affinities astride the flow of qualia

Yes yes yes to Thomas hirschhorn and Peter Doig and Ivan Doig and Wendell Berry and the dog that ate Lydia’s lunch and the really big lunch that came late in the Letters to Yesenin and that image of a stilled body swinging from a rope hung from the barn’s rafters, that haunting uncanny feeling I see in Doig-Peter paintings and on the surface of Thomas’s texts and in the simple grounded intelligence manifesting the dignified realism of berry’s stories and Doig-Ivan’s novels.

Am I wasting precious and precocious time paying so much attention to this art and being so wracked in attention-debt for the leftover life? Good gracious, yes yes yes affirmative, it fills me up but isn’t there more to bring full, to consuming, why not doing why so straitjacketed and stultified and confined to corners by myself and how glorious too.

A surly contentment is not worthy doing well, but worth doing

Because the evidence of absence is not evidence of absence, and because we chase so many tales that go down rabbit holes in pursuit of what we thought to be a meal, and turn out to be the appetizer, and because the question why does not always surrender to the logic of because, I can understand why you might hold with those who prefer to be manic, joyous, and entirely vital, and then stand knocking on deaths door, asking to be let in because it falls apart, breaks, and the idea of bearing under its wait any longer is not just inconceivable, but productive of a kind of physical agony.

That I can understand why you might share such preference I have gone looking to fill the hole with a further final fact and found it to be a fools errand.

an immense panorama of futility and anarchy, the stern doubting Thomas says

He would envision failure, moving from the abstract to the palpable. A huge failure, a blistering mind-fuck of failure that rattles around in certain peoples’ heads like gravel in an empty can, orchestrated, for no reason, other than being tired of unblemished success and domination. 4 years and 4 state championships, now a senior, chasing a record tying 5th: all that rolling around on a mat with other dudes, straining and pushing and pulling, inflicting pain and imposing will, did not prevent the fixation that he would end with his shoulders pin to the mat, not by an actual opponent (he did not fear this for he could not fathom it), but by purposelessness. It was the stuff of a bad dream, seeing the ref raise a hand and slam it down, a short piercing whistle, unable to move and no one out there with him.  Pinned by nothingness, letting all the struggle seep out, and a crowd in the bleachers cheering at his humiliation

The countless times he heard it said “don’t leave anything left on the bone“ growing up, so it became engrained and part of him, like the involuntary smile that spread across his face when an opponent would flail in panic. To the same extent he was taught and came to internalize with no hedging the idea that saying no when everyone wants a yes is a sign of strength.

Ficciones. Copyright and all rights reserved re text

For god’s sake, let us sit upon the ground and tell sad stories of the death of kings

It is curious how often we accept the idea of an obvious fact and sprint past whatever assumption is informing us that of course this thing is true and scolding us no there is no need for proof or explanation. Like, why would JP Morgan look like a butcher in a Turkish bath? Or when Buendia stands in front of the firing squad, thinking of his father and the idea of ice, why do we see him lost in thought and in the splendor of his regalia? Will it always be the case that I will want to cry when the singer puts the guitar down at the end of Two-Headed Boy? Isn’t it obvious? Does it betray some deep need that I would think most everyone else would want to cry, too? Or some deep misunderstanding?

This is what happens, Larry. This is what happens . . . . ——-) [turned page] Prairie nocturne

Joel and Ethan for the next two months, eager to continue to revisit the goods and see what has staying power, what surprises, and what basks best in the light of the first look. In the meantime, in the land of vertiginous texts:


Trips to deserts and mountains lay bare

The minimalist slippage of the plains

When the snow is here.

In winter any farmhouse or naked strand

Of naked trees isn’t so much desolate as

Unfinished. Reading Hugo and degrees of gray

Doesn’t cut the ketchup. It’s either

the intimate, insulated hush when the wind

Is out of breath, or it’s the moaning

And keening and prostrating when it

Is at full ecstatic hostility and

Compounds its interest on having so much to say

With this broad, sparse, and saddle-sore canvas

To spread across itself and

To spread itself across.

I know where flames the fixed star of certainty and success

“How can we contrive to be at once astonished at the world and yet at home in it?”

So asks Gabriel Keith, and proceeds to put a little chest in it by talking of maniacs of materialism and egoism and the soft narcotizing patter of pragmatists, too. So on he goes, pressing the point that those who may have taken on aspects of the preceding generation of sheep may come out with reddened tooth and claw, the better defend the practice of having conviction. In the name of conviction those sheepish aspects are made ravenous, going on and on exhorting and declaiming their very selves at dawn and midnight alike.

I for one am not well versed in this practice. My conviction muscles atrophied and kinked up with each episode of early Mike Judge. And as I start this particular book, which came to me at a slant and with a kind of wolfish hunger for a less kinetic theorizing than the the critique involving a dwarf, a puppet, and a fair amount of jokes about Slavs and Kompromat in which I first saw reference to this bracing orthodoxy. I wonder if there are a kind of spiritual exercises (whether as Pierre Hadot might conceive or Joel Osteen might loan on high interest credit) by which to test whether those conviction muscles are gone or capable of coming back into round.

Who would you rather have at your back or next to you on the charge, a passel of Davening mystics who truck with the emptied idea of this-is-all-as-it-should-be because it is all illusory and because suffering is constitutive of whatever is not illusory, or four jesuits in hairshirts on whose visage emaciation is quite becoming? Odin and Mithras besides . . .

I have some more orthodoxy to witness. It is no small thing to be able to look up in wonder.